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Thelonius Dilldapp

English version

For more than two decades, Thelonius Dilldapp has been performing as a medieval singer and musician in castles, wineries, monasteries and other historic spots all over Germany.
With his sonorous voice and many different instruments like lute, hurdy-gurdy, cittern, harp an bagpipe he knows how to bring the guests an unforgettable event.
Every time he plays during a knights’ meal, a wedding party, a wine-tasting or a medieval market, he has the proper feeling for the right atmosphere to hit.

But he is even more than a minstrel, he also knows how to fulfil the task of a Lord of the Manner. That includes receiving of the guests,
telling them how to eat the courses of the meal, or
how to do a medieval toast,
instructing them about the rules of the table,
knighting of a page after a tournament,
and also deliverance of some funny drinking games.

With his colleague, Severin The Younger, the performance is getting even more impressive. Together they sing and play over a dozen historic instruments. And as a magician, Severin also knows how to surprise the audience.

Further members of the company act as jesters, jugglers, or jokers creating an even more authentic medieval atmosphere, which may entrance the audience right to the utmost.

A funny tournament can be organized, as well, presenting the use of a variety of medieval weapons such as crossbows, bows and arrows, and horseshoes.

Let’s talk about.

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